Hi all
Tuesday at Star. René was playing some tournament with Nira so substitute-time. I found Hans and we immediately agreed to not have a dull match. Fireworks, lots of them. First half we bid every possible game and defended mercilessly.
Second half. Less spectacular games with little room to score. There was one nice game where we pulled a smokescreen on our opponents.
East opened 1 and I overcalled 1
. Not too happy with such a bad suit and soft values, but with ten cards in the black suits I wanted to do something. West doubled, showing four hearts and Hans (North) raised me to 2
(!). West ended in 3NT not worrying about the spadesuit.
But Hans did what he’s best at, do killing things to opponents. In other words: he found the lead. Declarer not blessed with second sight finessed into my bare King of
and got beat one trick. Nice.
@Hans: thanks for playing and the big fun.