Hi all
I found this one while cleaning my room and reorganizing my personal administration. So before it gets lost I have to document it here on Vikings In Space where it can shine on for eternity. Yeah, I’m proud of it, did you notice?
No one vulnerable, it’s up to you after pass – pass:
I couldn’t find a bid with this holding so I passed as well. The opponents have an undisturbed auction: 1 – 1
– 2
– all pass. Now what to lead? In a moment of divine inspiration (insanity?) I led the 4 of
. Yes, a trump. This was the complete layout:
Declarer, still unconcerned, played small for René’s Ten of . I saw a small twitch in his eyebrow when the Ten held. Three rounds of
followed and I was on lead again. I cashed the Ace of
and exited with a
Now declarer really dug his own grave by taking the in dummy. But without this error there wouldn’t have been a story, now would there? After some thought declarer decided he wanted to lead from his hand so he played a
towards his Queen, René ruffed in front of him.
Now René put the icing on the cake by playing the 13th . I ruffed with the Ace of
and played another
for the final blow on the chin. Declarer dazzled and confused wrote -150 and left the table somewhat trembling.
I try to be a nice and friendly opponent, really I do. But this time the “High-Five” was truly unavoidable.