Hi all
Though we tied 15-15 against our arch rivals BCO4, the moral victory was ours. By one whole imp. There were several nice games, a grand in , a couple of nice partials, but let me ask you a question:

How greedy are you? Remember it’s teams.
I wonder what hurt most, that declarer got home without breaking a sweat or the doubled overtrick?
There’s something nifty about this game. Game in is on ice for the opponents. Look here:
Let’s assume West leads a (as good as anything). You take it and immediately ruff a
. Finesse in
, ruff another
, cross to the
Ace as well and a
ruffed. Now if you ruff a
in dummy this will be the position:
Play a loser from dummy, discard a winning yourself and West has to ruff. Next he will tackle trumps for you. Repeat the trick by playing your last
from hand. Drumroll…: Eleven icy cold tricks.