Hi all
As I mentioned earlier, lots of stories. From our last teams match.
I hold a fairly nice red twosuiter:
I open a strong 1, LHO enters the bidding with 1
and a higher suit), René passes (0-4 hcp) and East bids a natural 2
. Do I have enough to mention my
suit? I suddenly liked my hand a lot less,
breathing down my neck, partner nearly broke, so I dropped the hand like a hot potato.
I lead a high and dummy comes down:
I breathe with relief, a red suit monster was waiting for me around the corner. The defence is tight and we take maximum advantage of a small error leading to a one trick set.
At the other table things went differently:

1. Preemptive pressure
I do have some comments on N-S bidding, 1 was frivolous, but South raising himself to game still hurts my eyes. I guess West (Martin) felt like he had been invited to a butcher’s party (+800).