Hi all
Here’s another story from last wednesday, René preempted them out of their vulnerable game on an offshape hand. I passed first hand and he heard his RHO open 1.
We have tools for twosuiters, but on agreement this hand is too weak for that. With an eye on the vulnerability and lady Fortune on our shoulder he jumped to 3. It shows that with a passed partner we rise pressure at every opportunity (alerted and explained to our opponents). It paid bigtime, for this was the full deal.
East had some values but the 1 opening was nebulous (3+ card suit) so raising was not without danger. His pass was a bit timid, but I can see no clear alternatives. With this trump support I had an easy raise to game. Now West’s pass was too conservative, with a stiff
and significant extras he should protect with a double. My 4
call was passed out.
René had four top losers, but East led a for West’s Ace and now something went wrong, West got wrong count on his Ace of
and when he tried to cash another one, René could claim eleven tricks (pitching dummy’s
on his long
At the other table North overcalled just 1 and now East could show his
support on a comfortable level, the auction eventually ended in 5
. A double game swing, 450 + 620 totals a blistering 1070 points.
I have no clue how to get to the cold slam.