Hi all
Last Saturday I played a small (13 teams) Patton tournament. I can say we beat all the good teams fair and square, but against very soft opposition we failed. Badly! I already know what I want for Christmas, a tool to hammer out all my basic errors.
There were some memorable events, René and I wrapped up ten tricks in 4 while Sjoerd and Wim scored ten tricks as well in 4. The opponents tried a vulnerable game after Rene had opened a strong . They discarded our convention card and didn’t ask for any explanation after my alert. Maybe they don’t care about an occasional -500.
East opened 1 and René jumped to 3 (weak), West supported , passed to René. Not afraid he introduced his four card suit, passed out. I thought 4 would be way too high, so I pretended to have a nice four card fit for him. The defence started with three rounds of , René getting rid of his losers. He ruffed the continuation and played a to the Ten for the King. Again a , ruffed. Next he cashed the Ace, crossed to the King and the Queen of . Yay! Trumps split, run the rest of the for nine tricks.
A nice 4-3 fit dummy reversal. At the other table the bidding was exactly the same (!), but North ran to 4, one off.
East can thwart all plans by coldly refusing to take the King of . It’s a strange and interesting situation.