Hi all
We are on a rampage. I have no other word for it. And when points are flowing towards you like crazy, you have the energy and patience to look a little bit deeper into a game like this:
South (me) gets to play 4. West starts with the 9. Take a deep breath. What can go wrong? You have five minor suit tricks so another five have to come from trumps (or an unlikely one from ). So draw trumps then?
I didn’t touch trumps, I just played on and ruffed two high in my hand (I discarded a on the 3rd ). Finally I score four trumps in dummy and one in my hand, because West overruffed once. A solid ten tricks.
At the other table declarer tried to clear trumps, but when they broke 4-1 he had too much to do and was set one trick. Nine times out of ten he would have gotten away with it, but this was the tenth time. I noticed the 4-1 split during the post mortem. During my play I wasn’t aware of any bad breaks. But that may also be a bad thing.