Hi all
Here’s a 3NT from Star yesterday.
West opened a Muiderberg 2 and I (South) ended up playing 3NT. West kicked off with the Queen, East taking the Ace and I dropped the King. I did that to create another entry to dummy and to disrupt EW communication. East played back another and West ducked after a two minute pause (good!).
The King of has to be onside so I played a small one to my Queen, it survived. Now when I cashed two top , I see West showing out on the second round. Now I have (near) complete count, West is 1-5-4-3. So I cashed Ace and the King made his appearance. The rest was easy, leading to 11 tricks.
What did I do? What did I do? Where did I deserve 90% for this play? I don’t know, it all feels very natural, dropping the King to create an extra entry, taking two rounds of to get more information about the distribution. When West showed out on the second round it was like lighting a dark room. All became clear.
Kudos to Martin for digging up 11 tricks too on a lead. I would go blank for 10 minutes and start playing without a plan. I would have no clue where to start. Big kudos!