Hi all
Dennis showed me this deal a couple of days ago.
A very, very nice holding. Your partner starts the bidding with 2 (weak with !) and RHO follows with a natural 2. You end all bidding with a crude jump to 6. I guess opposite AQ – 6th you’re cold for twelve tricks on a lead, so it’s not that crude after all.
Lefty leads a and dummy comes down.
Partner brings some nice cards, twelve tricks are on ice. But it’s pairs, can you squeeze out a precious thirteenth trick?
When I looked at the problem, my first solution was to draw one round of trumps and then ruff out the with trump Ace as an entry. But this only works if split.
No, I tell you it’s a non-simultaneous, double squeeze. I’ll show you.
You take the lead perforce. Now drop seven of your trumps on the table, leading to this five card position:
On your final trump West has to protect and has to let go one of his . Dummy gets rid of a useless , and East can miss a . When you cash both your honours (ending in dummy), the pressure on East is too much to bear. Either the Jack of is your thirteenth trick, or A4 is good for two tricks.
Addendum: if West had led a spade instead, he would have destroyed communications for the double squeeze.