Hi all
There is no such thing as an innocent bystander. I swallow hard, there’s just so much justice to serve.
What do you do after pass – 1 – ???
1. with violence
2. with confidence
I agree my takeout double is on the light side, but I have two Aces, some shape and it’s pairs. Where have I heard that argument before?
I really like Frank’s tactic 1 bid, he could see everybody was a bit overbidding. He started with a small declarer winning in dummy with the King. I took the third round of , effectively destroying declarer’s communications. I return my lonely , Frank winning the trick with his Ace, and another one is for dummy’s Queen (I discard my last ). Now declarer tried a to her King but to her big surprise Frank won the trick with his Ace. I get rid of all my garbage on Frank’s , keeping just . Finally I could claim the remainder when Frank’s Jack of pierced through dummy.
Declarer recounted her tricks several times, but down three stayed down three. Vulnerable.
I think about the power of quick tricks, about unjust arrogance, about pride. I take another sip from my beer and decide to say nothing at all.