Hi all
Some pairs night Hoek and I sit down against two charming ladies.
1. 15-19 balanced or unbal 4+
I felt my Viking heritage emerge. Envisioning both and Ace and some honour I can see 6 is to claim, or at finesse at most. The opponents have already made clear my partner is ultrashort in . It’s the brutal optimism of the Viking nature, when I bid 6 I could swear I heard hungry wolves cry. I notice my partner’s face turns ashy grey.
Hoek erred during the play. But he’s hard to blame when partner blasts to slam on such marginal values without any scientific enquiries. I guess it’s hard to deal with a Viking partner when you’re not yet familiar with his habits.
Here’s what could have happened. East started with the King and continued with the Queen. There’s is a very faint beep on the heart monitor, but the patient is still alive. Ruff the continuation. Cross to the King of and isolate the menace by ruffing another one. Ruff a high in dummy, cross in trumps, ruff another high in dummy, and cross again to hand with the last trump. Now when you play the remaining trumps and Ace of , you squeeze East out of her spade guard or her honours.