Hi all
I’m looking at a lake, it’s black and smooth like a mirror. My pale reflection throws me a furtive look.
My RHO opens 1 and I have to decide if this hand (it’s pairs) is worth a bid. I have full values but the suit is terrible. The idea partner cannot bid in fourth position because of shortness pushes me to 2, I’m glad nobody’s vulnerable. Three quick passes follow and LHO starts with a .
Hoek puts down a nice dummy. Such a hand is close to a bid in my opinion, but I’m glad he passed. This is difficult enough already.
East takes the lead with the Ace and fires back the Queen. I take it and West completes the doubleton lead. All looks straightforward, cash the Ace of , cross to the Ace of for a discard on the King. Everything cool, but I get surprised when I play the last from dummy, East discards the Jack of . So far any ruffs in dummy.
My nail breaks the surface. A ripple of unrest leaving me, my consciousness travelling along. Suddenly I see all.
I exit with a small discarding the last from dummy. West ponders for some time and plays a fourth round of (the Queen). I ruff with the King in dummy and East overruffs. East brings in a in the triple void, I ruff with the 4 and West overruffs with the 9. This is the position when East puts the Queen on the table:
I play small from dummy, East throws another and I ruff with the 5. The picture is complete, East is 5-4-3-1 and has only trumps left. So I can exit with a small trump and end with a fork over East.
I’m not alone anymore, a lonely elk across greets me with a triumphant sound.
The lake is still again.
Somehow I get a very strong Calvin & Hobbes bathtub image reading this. When I “break surface” there is no lonely elk greeting me but a mocking bird, shattering my sharkish ego to smithereens.