Hi all
I’m not really into individual events, they’re more like a lottery instead of a real tournament. And that I tend to score badly in individual tournaments doesn’t help either. But the Dombo Individual is something I keep checked in my agenda every year. (Mostly) nice partners and opponents all the way and all day. The bridge is from another dimension I think, but the atmosphere is excellent.
Keeping things easy:
1. No weak 2’s in our arsenal and it’s too far from an opening bid
2. I have way too much for just 4
I was happy my partner raised himself to slam, it seemed I got my message across.
My partner ruffed the lead, drew a round of trumps and then put his attention to the suit. When West inserted a high the play was over. Claim +1430.
Later at the bar I had a small discussion how to tackle the suit. If, and I stress ”if", you play for the to be 4-1, the best play is to lead a small one to the 9 in dummy. If East has won the trick with a bare honour, you are still well placed to finesse against West’s remaining honours. Plus, you can tackle the current layout where West holds all three honours. There must be some math guy out there who can work out the odds…