My mouth is dry. We’re on a mission, a perilous one. Captain asked us to do a covert operation in an unnamed country. Hoek is my wingman and together we fly, deep into enemy territory.

I was close to raising to 3 on the first round, but I thought I was a shade too light. I don’t want to crash in a razorsharp 3NT when it’s pairs. But I could show my slight values and good shape with a double when the opponents retreated to my shortest suit.
Hoek launched his missile when he decided to pass for penalties.
Hoek started with his stiff , and when I saw dummy I knew the result would be brutal. Eventually declarer scrambled together 4 tricks. I’m happy I had my eye on the ball when I doubled 2
for takeout. I aimed, Hoek pulled the trigger.
Scorched earth, mission accomplished.