Hi all
I have this opponent, let’s call him cigar. Enemy is too strong a label, but he is definitely scheduled under "less favourite". He creates a lot of heat at the table, to his opponents and sometimes his partner gets some of it too.
Hoek and I sit down and the first game his partner summons 10 tricks in a partscore when our defence is suboptimal. But cigar is not satisfied, his partner should have doubled our non-vulnerable intervention for takeout and he would have laid down the perfect defence for down two.
Right. I’m familiar with heat too. Inside I feel a blaze starting, a small hot spot turning and twisting into a living firestorm. I need to control it, it could easily backfire.
I pick up garbage:

I notice cigar is surprised by his partners raise to game. His 3 wasn’t invitational, he was just taking away space competitively. The time feels right to start a fire, I double. I take Hoek’s overcall into account, my solid trump trick and some sidevalues to set free my inner storm. I see cigar’s expression change to annoyed and when dummy comes down it changes to angry.
Down 1. A magic +200 for us. Cigar, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, his name is Pain.