Hi all
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was a happy-go-lucky and worryfree bridgeplayer. I used to bid fairly high (read "insanely" here), but often I would compensate with thoughtful play or I could rely on partner for damage control.
Here, from a butler session at Dombo:
I think everybody agrees with me it’s an opening bid.

1. 4th suit forcing
2. 5-6+ distribution
3. let partner continue…
I thought I was too light to continue myself over 4 and I didn’t feel unhappy when the auction ended there.
On a lead I had a safe route to ten tricks, I ruffed three
in dummy.
It feels unsettling that more than half of the pairs present bid the slam. And made it too! I guess South got carried away with his/her nice collection. You need a favourable
split, nothing nasty in trumps and preferably no
lead. Apart from that slam is okay.
Did the fat lady sing already? Is it time for me to visit the old man’s home for retired vikings?