Hi all
This deal is from a Dombo-session where I partnered Dennis. Boy, was it plain sailing that night! People where handing out gifts like it was Crazy Christmas, and we were fully embraced by Lady Luck in all our adventures.
I’ll show you the problem from a defensive point of view.
1. Unbalanced 4+ or a 15-19 NT
2. Asking for Major
3. Inspired
East looked at his own cards and estimated his partner would be of no help in the defence. He put a small trump on the table, leaving declarer (Dennis) to do his own dirty work.
This was the complete deal:
Dennis had no problem wrapping up twelve tricks.
So a lead would have developed the setting trick. I guess it’s a stab in the dark, possibly against the odds. I have full sympathy for the safe trump lead. Too bad, but hey, such is life.
About the 4 bid, it’s nice and inspired. It was the right bid on the right moment for me, opening the door to slam. But I suspect Dennis was trying to get me out of book as well, something like “What does this button do?”. He succeeded once after a rare post-Muiderberg auction, if I remember correctly. He has been trying ever since.