Hi all
Still no progress with the ACBL, but I’m pretty sure I can kiss GNT flight B 2009 goodbye. Sometimes I think of the Seinfeld “Serenity now”-episode. Serenity NOW!, and the anger and frustration with the ACBL just melt away. But I need to find an exhaust soon to release that bottled up rage.
Here’s a nice deal one of my bridge friends here in Berkeley showed me.
A very nice 20-count. But after pass – 1 you’re in trouble. My blog isn’t powered to make this a forum-like question, but I ask you, what would you do?
After some pondering, I answered him I would bid 1. Double and pass being viable alternatives. I thought 1
would lead to a plus score most of the times and I would blast to game if partner squeaked in some support bid.
Li-Chung then told me he had bid exactly the same. But things get better, what would you do if LHO passes and partner bids 2 (showing a good
I told him I would get to slam one way or another, partner surely is holding some prime cards and trumps with good distribution.
Partner did hold the prime hand for slam, you can cross ruff to twelve without problems. One thing struck me, if partner had bid a fitshowing 3 (instead of 2
) I think I would have been more reluctant in bidding slam.