Hi all
In a week I’m of to DC to participate in the Spingold. I’m flying in some Dutch heavyweights for some over the top action. If I can get my hands on time and stable internet www.vikingsinspace.nl is your spot for live Spingold coverage.
Here’s a small pairs problem from a Piedmont club night.
After two passes you open 1, which could be as short as two. Your partner bids 1NT and you can trust that partner doesn’t hold a four card suit he could have mentioned on the 1-level. So partner has at least a four card fit in
. Do you stay in the superb pairs contract of 1NT or do you wish to revert to
This was the full deal:
With the Jack onside South could rake together seven tricks for +90 after a
lead. That didn’t score very well when the rest of the field scored +110 in
Now, about that suggestive title: Bikini bridge. Unfortunately it’s not about scantily clad beach babes at the bridge table. Sigh. No, it’s a synonym for "all-or-nothing bridge", particularly tops and bottoms. It cracked me up when I heard it the first time. Nice!