Hi all
Here’s an expensive deal from one of the post-Spingold knockout tournaments in DC. Outside it was hot and moist, the kind of weather you can mop me up with. But inside it was sub-Viking cold. At a certain point I even asked the director if he could rub me a little.

I doubled 3 as leaddirecting/penalty when West didn’t alert 3
after a significant pause. Of course 3
could be natural, but it could also be a free “keep-the-bidding-going”-bid. The opponents ended up in 4
after a series of
bids that don’t make any sense to me.
Before I start out leading a top my RHO informs me 3
should have been alerted. We ask for the attention of a director. 3
was meant as check-back, but there was a failure to alert. The director instructed us to play the deal and get back to him when finished. This was the full deal:
When the split 3-3 and the
suit broke favourably ten tricks came rolling in. The director had nothing to add to the result, West had just (very) conveniently forgotten about their agreements. Talk about luck in extremo, Martin & Remco tried 3NT at the other table but lost the obvious six tricks.
At the table I overlooked my moment of glory. 4 can be set! Had I continued with a 3rd round of
, in the double void, declarer’s demise would have been unavoidable. He can ruff on the short side, but if Dennis then ducks the
Queen, declarer has fatal transportation problems because of the awkward position of both red Queens. The same story applies if declarer decides to ruff in his own hand, a fourth round of
will leave declarer then empty handed.
Fish don’t Alert because their fins don’t reach the bidding box.
I didn’t lose the obvious six tricks. The lead was a small
for my Queen, but unfortunately, the Queen of diamonds was offside. But I am glad to know that you earned more chuckpoints on this board than I did.
I think you will also beat 4
with a diamond switch after the
A or K start (or a diamond lead). If East draws trumps North takes the Queen of spades and can reach South in clubs. Another round of diamonds and East has not enough entries in West to set up and cash the diamonds.
East can play three rounds of diamonds immediately and throw a club in his hand, but now North can counter by playing hearts and hearts again after winning the Ace of trumps. Again East can’t cash the diamonds.
You are right. Can somebody stop the flow of chuckpoints please?