Hi all
Last weak I experienced a lucky streak, both on the financial and job front. Friends in The Netherlands contacted me whether I was interested in doing some remote database administration. Hell yeah! Even the difference in time zone is convenient, as I will perform all tasks in their off hours.
Remember Washington? I was sitting South and I led my King of after the following auction:

1. A bit horny
This is what I could see.
Declarer took the in dummy and played a
to his Ten for my Queen. I continued another
via Dennis’ Jack for declarer’s Queen. Next he took a finesse in
, Dennis winning the Queen. Another
that declarer won with the Ten (nice suit, Dennis!). Now he crossed to the Ace of
and asked for the Ace of
, pitching a
When the King didn’t come down declarer shook his head and frantically looked for a way out. But Dennis alertly rose with the Ace on the
from dummy and cashed out his
and the King of
, squeezing declarer in
in the process. Down four.
This was the full deal:
3NT is of course a very ambitious contract, but declarer could have overcome the lack of entries to the long . Take the
lead, play a
to the King, finesse in
and take the
continuation… And now the masterplay: the 4 of
to the Ten, creating an extra entry. I’m fairly sure I don’t have enough Pabis Ticci in me to find the killing insertion of the King.
Cute hand.
Congrats on your new job. It should keep you busy and off the street, lol.