Hi all
Welcome to my “quiet Berkeley neighborhood”. Last night an explosion rocked the street (KTVU). Bomb disposal team & hazardous material specialists running rampant but there’s no official statement on what happened just two houses from my bed. Time for some speculation I guess…
I have a deal for you too, from Santa Cruz.
Greg heard me open 1 and this was the auction:
1. GF relay
2. Maximum (14-15 HCP), 5-5
3. Relay
4. 1-5-5-2
5. Aces?
6. Two of the same color
7. Not enough for slam
Greg looked at a unavoidable loser and he wasn’t particularly happy with the trump situation so he passed at game level. I can confess I was a bit scared when he passed my 4 answer. I had no idea what was going on.
Full deal:
Of course the trumps came tumbling down so twelve tricks where easy. At the other table our teammates witnessed an enthusiastic North bidding slam on his own. Lose thirteen. Meh!