Hi all
September was a good month. I made some progress with my Oracle DBA 2 course, in two weeks or so I’ll be able to apply for the vendor exam. My remote database job has been working out too (read: I didn’t break too many things). But to all nice songs come ends, and the same thing applies here: they don’t have enough Oracle clients to keep me for a permanent position.
Oh well, I’ll take my mind off of things with a new project: brewing my own beer. We bought hops, grain, yeast and some other ingredients for our own Pale Ale. We’ll start easy and small, only a 5 gallon batch. In a month I’ll publish the results and the size of my hangover.
This deal is from a Sunday afternoon game in El Cerrito.

South opened a tad light for being vulnerable, but I don’t disagree. The final contract looks healthy, if everything breaks nice and smooth you’ll only lose one and one
. Well, I can tell you Inverted Midas reared it’s ugly head. When we touched this deal it turned into the exact opposite of gold. You can think of something appropriate yourself.
The lead was a for the Jack and then the enemy entered a cross ruff for down three. Ugh! Unfortunately nobody was able to bid the cold
game in EW. Even 6
looks close, but that only comes home on a favourable lead.