Hi all
Here’s a britishism that cracked me up: What is (called) a Sleeping Police Officer? Answer at the end of the article.
Last Saturday Elenalani and I played an afternoon game in Fremont. The playsite was hidden deep in a gigantic home for the elderly. In the deal below the opponents had a short auction: 1 – 5NT – 6NT. It’s not very scientific, but it got them to the right spot.
Sitting South I started a from my sequence and saw declarer scramble together twelve tricks via a
finesse. Declarer looked at the score sheet with $ signs in his eyes. Seconds later he had come down from his pink cloud when he found out about half the field had made thirteen tricks, some of them had even bid a grand. Looking for an excuse he asked us what he did wrong.
I rolled up my sleeves, cleaned my glasses and teacher Jannes arrived at the table. I could have commented on the defensive skills of the majority present, or have said something incomprehensible like: Thirteen are cold on a non-simultaneous double squeeze with as pivot suit. But I chose to be a little more helpful.
I explained that after the lead he could hook the
immediately. Then after cashing the
Ace run all the
and pitch a
from hand. Leading to this position:
As you can see South got squeezed out of the suit two tricks earlier than North, who’s in trouble when both top
hit the table. Eventually
AK3 is good for three tricks. The look in his eyes was priceless when he understood the squeeze.
A Sleeping Police Officer is what they call a speed bump in the UK.