Hi all
Last weekend we started beer batch #5, codename Noah. It is not unthinkable John’s 4 month old son enhanced it with some of his drool, the little guy was quite interested in the procedures and attention.
Here’s a deal from a very quiet night at Quick Tricks, I guess most regulars are in Louisville (KY) now for the Nationals. I played with a Dutch visitor (H.U.) who was here for a conference.
1. &
2. Values
Partner starts with the Ace of and dummy puts down a boatload of and a suspicious looking Queen.
I play the 2 and declarer follows suit too. I’m glad it’s at least down one now … as long as partner switches !
Wait! Why is partner tanking now? … another hits the table.
Of course declarer ruffed, extracted the single outstanding trump, pitched dummy’s loser on his long , and wrote with a big smile +1540. I’m happy it’s just pairs.
It’s cold 6 for us, and because of that tiny slip in the defence the adversary slam came home on top of that. Post mortem I would have bid 6 with H.U.’s hand over the value-double of 5. If partner has three to the King and a pointy Ace slam is already pretty good, and that’s not a even a double. What can I say? Blame the jet lag.
Wait a second. I admit that trying to cash a second heart is a bit stupid, but I did bid 5 over 5x, not 5, trying to help you to judge what to do over 6. When you doubled for a second time, I decided to believe you.
Hi Henk
My bad! My memory doesn’t serve me well. I thought you bid 5 over my double.
For the record, I hate my second double now, I should have paid a little more attention to your runout. We’re not the ones taking a sac, they are. So your advancement over 5 doubled is serious.