Hi all
I’m getting my feet wet not just playing online. Sessions at BC Star and BCO, interacting with my bridge buddies (close by & far away) and tournaments all over the Netherlands in various degrees of success. I feel like I’m getting back into shape.
This deal is from Bridge Big. Afterwards I felt scrubbed, not only from losing a few pennies, but because I was on the receiving end of competent declarer play.

- Invitational+ with fit
I watch the auction unfold and though I’m afraid they’ll end up in slam (never good for your wallet unless they go down) the opponents screech to a halt in 4. Now what to lead?
I decided to lead a , but I don’t claim it’s clear-cut or obvious.
My lead doesn’t work out as my partner is only able to contribute a measly little pebble, declarer’s Jack winning the trick. Next I have to surrender my King when declarer leads a small . In rapid succession declarer plays four more rounds of trumps (me discarding a bunch of unimportant
), the King of
, Ace of
and a low
. I throw my Queen hoping to seduce declarer into thinking dummy’s
9 is good. On the Ace of
declarer pitches a
and finding a discard becomes a little sweaty.
My sweaty discard turns into a full blown nightmare when declarer asks for dummy’s and ruffs it with his last trump. I’m dead.
I lost €0.52 but that’s really just pennies compared to the pain of being subjected to what seems a very conscious and well executed squeeze.
Noteworthy metamorphosis: Unemployed ⇒ Employed.