Hi all
I’ve enjoyed way too many “M”‘s in Finland: Munkki, Muikku, Marimekko, Marieke, Makkara, Mansikka and more. The weather wasn’t very cooperative, the worst summer in 40 years I’ve heard. It had no impact on my mood, though, I was up all the time. I could even muster a teensy smile when I had to pump the air bed in the middle of the night for the third time. Brand new with a cursed tiny leak. Marieke still cracks up when she so vividly remembers me “enthusiastically” pumping the air bed while fending off waves of interested mosquitos.
Here’s a nice deal from HOK last Monday.
Just a random balanced 18-count. With a former world champion on my left of course things don’t get to pass uncontested.
- 16+
- Majors or minors
- Any 5-7
- 17-19 bal
West leads the 4 of (odd leads) via the Jack for my King and this is what I have to work with:
Here’s an excerpt of my train of thoughts (cravings for beer, improper thoughts and other non-vital musings omitted): The suit is my main source of tricks. If I find the Queen I still need to avoid East gaining the lead because of my single positional stopper. So West needs to hold the Ace of . To even get close to nine tricks the hook needs to be onside.
Because West is holding both Majors (the leads suggests it) I’m going to take a finesse against East’s presumed Queen-third. West discards a on the second round of .
That’s hurdle #1.
Three more rounds follow, West discards some more and finally a . Hurdle #2 coming up: The 3 to my Queen survives, West surrendering the Jack. This is the position now:
Trivially academic by now. I cash the Ace and exit with the 3 towards the King. If West ducks I have nine already and if she rises she can pick her poison granting me my contract with either round Queen.
Taking 9 was good for the same number of IMPs.
I leave you with a recommendation to watch the Danish/Swedish crime drama “The Bridge”. In a genuine Netflix binge Marieke and I finished season one in three days or so. What a ride!