Hi all
So it’s Saturday evening now. After a wealthy dinner at Montrio we get to sit down against two lovely ladies. I had my guard up a bit, because it’s still the finals of a two day KO. I’d better not be lulled into a false sense of comfort.
We start good by extracting +800 from a phantom sacrifice. And then Geoff and I Beowulf to slam on the cards below.
- 15-17 bal, or stronger any shape
- 6+ hcp
- Natural, 18+
- Maximum/slammish raise
- Two keys with trump Queen or extra length
When West led a trump, I needed either the to break or the double finesse in . I’m glad they didn’t lead a ! A tentative estimate puts us now at +20, I think. But the ladies proved to be a lot more resilient than expected.
- Unusual
5 went down one silently, but at the other table they maneuvered a contract of 5 in the South hand. So East gets his two tricks, but West not the ruff he was looking for: 13 imp down the drain.
In addition they brought home a sharp 3NT and outbid us on a couple of part scores, so after the first 12 boards a boatload of imps has crossed the table: 42-42.
The second half starts of poorly for us when I find the single lead that lets them make their game. Then the ladies hopscotched into 6 with two top missing. But on a non- lead all losers went away… Geoff and I now both sit at the table like hawks, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And the opportunity gets there…
Sitting in 3rd seat, all red I decide to open a Beowulf 2 (showing 8-12 hcp, exactly 4 crd suit, unbalanced).
My LHO overcalls 3, passed to me… I know we’re good. She misplayed a bit and went down four, for +400, no game for anyone in sight. A funny side note: Because in the US we’re not allowed to play any conventions over an opening like this, all bids after that have to be natural. So without a blush or embarrassment I could have doubled 3 for penalties. Now how’s that if you have opened weakly in 3rd chair?
We have a lock. We win the finals by 89 to 77. That’s quite rich over a 24 board match.
Don’t you always lose a and a in the slam board?
Hi Eelco
Sorry, you’re right, board is fixed now.