Hi all
Okay, I’ll just start with confessing that we didn’t win our bracket in the KO Teams. Whole day long Greg and I played solid, compensating for our teammates soft results and more. But the last match we just didn’t have any room to score. I opted for a superior 3NT while I knew there was a 5-3 fit present, and the other table copied our result. The match was decided when we didn’t bid a non-vulnerable 3NT on these combined cards:
Ace of onside, 2-2 and both honours onside. Right! A couple of overtrick imps flew back and forth, so the finals we lost with a 7 imp margin. Oh well, better luck next time.
There was one other interesting relay sequence in the penultimate match.
1. Catch all bid
2. GF relay
3. 11-13 balanced, 2-3-5-3
4. Aces?
5. 1 (or 4)
6. Kings?
7. 0 (or 3)
After 4NT I knew Greg was holding a fistful of Queens and Jacks. Bidding 6 was undisciplined, I need the trump Jack to show in dummy and a place to park my loser. What eventually pushed me to bidding 6 was that I estimated the other table would be in slam too.
Well, trump Jack did shine in dummy, but when I cashed trump Ace I quickly discovered this slam wouldn’t come home. But my estimate was right, the deal was a push.