Hi all
Another one from last Saturday. With drawn lightsabers and a merciless grin we sit down against Jabba and another loathsome creature.
Your RHO opens 2, either some strong hand or weak with . You didn’t agree preempt over preempt so pass. LHO waits with 2 and Hendrik mentions his on the 3 level. Now RHO bids 3, a strong red twosuiter. I like that, opponents who have solid agreements, even after intervention.
1. Weak with or some strong hand
2. Waiting bid
3. Strong twosuiter, and
Hendrik did very good to take his 100 point insurance against 6 red. If East holds the Queen of , slam makes on a double finesse.
Points are divided 20-20, but both sides can make a 5 level contract. I’m not a big fan of Larry Cohen, but he’s right here, 22 trumps together, double fits, so there are a lot of tricks to take.