Hi all,
I’ve been deeply engrossed in Game of Thrones lately. The books I have read already a couple of years ago, now I’m catching up with the series. Varys, Tyrion and Arya, yeah! I seek opportunities at the bridge table to quote GoT. Like saying “Winter is coming” when putting down a terrible dummy. Heh! I kill myself! And now for something completely different (a larch, anyone?) … I suggest you take a look at this YouTube clip. None of it has to do anything with Westeros or its amazing characters, it might actually invoke a genuine “WTF?”. Ohh, do I miss the days when I burned thru seasons of Red Dwarf for the first time.
Here’s a nice deal from the Patton series at HOK.
Kees (South) opens a 10-12 NT first hand and I have to decide whether to undertake immediate action or take the low road. My RHO passes and a glimpse to my left reveals an opponent intensely studying her cards. Alright, let me take you out for a spin: I pass. LHO flicks an “X” on the table and partner and RHO have nothing to add.
Okay, I think I have a nasty surprise for my LHO.
West starts with the Jack of and with an evil grin I put down my dummy:
East lets the Jack slide and Kees takes his King. I swear East turned a whiter shade of pale when the dreaded Queen hit the table. Six more followed in rapid succession and East had no discards to spare. She decided to abandon the
suit altogether so four more came rolling in. This was the full deal:
So the result was 1NT! making 6. I add another rare bird to my book of bizarro scores: +680 in a NT contract.
“A bruise is a lesson… and each lesson makes us better.”